About » Cold Weather Policy

Cold Weather Policy

Cold Weather 


Just a reminder that for when our weather turns colder, students need to make sure they are dressed properly for the weather.  They will be outside up until the temperature and wind chill are -25 degrees C.  Please refer to our policy below.


  • Students will be asked to remain outside until 9:00AM and 12:40PM, with the exception of inclement weather (see below) or permission granted by a teacher.
  • Students are not to congregate on the main entrance steps before classes or at recesses.
  • Students must be in their appropriate playground area.


The color code system for cold weather works as follows:


GREEN – used when the temperature is LOWER THAN -25° C (including wind chill)

  • Students may come into their classrooms in the morning and at noon.
  • Parents, please do not bring students earlier than 8:45am.
  • All students stay in at recess.
  • Lunch students will stay in at noon.


RED – used when the temperature is WARMER THAN -25° C (including wind chill)

  • Students shall remain outside before school and go outside at recess and at lunch.


 A strip of colored paper (red or green) will be placed in a pocket in the window of each entrance to let students know what to do.